embroidery of curtains
embroidery of portraits till a photo
 Religious attributes
embroidery relgious attributes
 State symbolics
embroidery of state flags, arms
 Carpets and coverlets
еmbroidery of horizontal carpets, sleeping complete sets
 Dressing gownes
еmbroidery of national clothes
embroidery сувенирных of products

  We embroider oriental robes, waist - coast, caps of one or another nationalities. The oriental robes in embroidered in cloth at any colors. Pictures and designs are made by masters-painters.
  The are fashions of oriental robes, waistcoats for men's, women's and child. You may wear them in ceremonial parties in weddings, in anniversary. Girls and boys wear them in their birthday parties. We embroider the complete set of gold embroidery articles for bride grooms and brides. There is a cap, oriental robe, belt, shoes and slippers.
  We provide you a western quality and a wide variety of goods.

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