embroidery of curtains
embroidery of portraits till a photo
 Religious attributes
embroidery relgious attributes
 State symbolics
embroidery of state flags, arms
 Carpets and coverlets
еmbroidery of horizontal carpets, sleeping complete sets
 Dressing gownes
еmbroidery of national clothes
embroidery сувенирных of products

We embroider the fairy-land, souvenirs, hot- water bottles, bags, needle cases, cases for pillows, table- clothes, boxer for jewelry, cases for glasses and fettles perfume and many others. We may embroider the Emblem of your firm. These things are made by the masters of higher class, design and pictures are made by masters - painters. They decorate them with beads and other ornamentations. You will be glad to co operate with us and you will be fully satisfied with our work. We secure the quality. Order and you will never lose.

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